Mr. Vaibhav Upadhyay is a man inspired make world a better place.
He has started his journey from renewable sector, working in solar
energy for almost a decade and now working in politics and
committed to make society a better place by encouraging people to
take active part in politics and voice their problems. His awareness
regarding his surrounding is what distinguishes him from other
people he has always been keen about helping people in distress and
has chosen solar energy and politics to materialise his vision of a
better world.

Vaibhav Upadhyay CEO Shambhavi Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd.
(SREPL) and Pre NOB-Indian Youth Congress. He hails from Kelwara
Kumbhalgarh, and has been really passionate about sustainable
development, renewable energy, environment and social work from
his college days and during those years his awareness grew towards
the growing carbon emissions and the degrading state of nature. To
become a part of solution to the climate problem and to materialise
his vision of sustainable development, he founded his company
Shambhavi Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. (SREPL).

SREPL has worked extensively in solar industry since it’s inception in
2014, the portfolio of goods and services provide by SREPL is
immense, ranging from megawatt grid connected system to a single
home lightning system. SREPL has provided power solutions to
residential units, hospitals, schools, industries and even to houses
where there was no network of electricity transmission lines. The
company has worked in various states such as Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Madhya Pradesh etc.

Mr. Vaibhav Upadhyay’s company had humble beginnings but with
hard work, grit and determination the company maintained a steady
growth. He believes that employees and customer satisfaction is of
utmost importance and he is empathetic towards not only his
customers but also towards his employees and that is the reason
why all the employees in the company have high regard for him
another quality that differentiates Mr. Vaibhav from other business
leaders is the ability to put himself in other people’s shoes and
understand what others are thinking which is also a key driver in his
success because through understanding other people he is able to
better integrate group efforts and bring efficiency and effectiveness
in the working of the organisation.

During his years of working in solar industry he visited many villages
in various states and was able to closely observe the problems and
difficulties of people there. He was always a politically and socially
aware person but after his expeditions and observing the deplorable
state of villages it reminded him of his own birthplace Kelwara
Kumbhalgarh and he became certain that he needs to take his efforts
to a level higher and work for betterment of villages and a greater
social cause.

It is a general stereotype among people that politics is a dirty game
or it is a swamp that consumes people and turns them into
abominable individuals, He defines it the other way, as a platform for
people to put forward the plight of distressed and needy, becoming
the voice for the voiceless and empowering the common man who
has been ignored endlessly by people in power. There is a quote
regarding this in Bhagvad Gita “The world suffers a lot, not due to
violence of bad people but silence of good people” He feels people’s
apathy and specially youth’s apathy towards politics is not healthy
for nation, the youth of the nation need to be more aware and
critical of government policies and enthusiastically take part in
politics and being vocal about their opinions which will help them in
becoming an aware and responsible citizen.

His social work in Kumbhalgarh and Udaipur during Covid 19 phase
which includes providing necessary supplies such as food, masks,
sanitizers and medicine to the needy also providing the food to the
front-line workers has been phenomenal.

His efforts are recognized all over southern Rajasthan and people
with reverence calls him “Vaibhav Ji” and he holds a commendable
grasp over area not just because of efforts in social work but also
because of his simple living he doesn’t wear imported expensive
brands instead wears khadi kurta and pajama of Indian origins he
believes in mahatma Gandhi’s ideal of “simple living, high thinking”.
He believes in integrating our traditional culture and traditions with
modern technology.

Lastly, he is guided by the ideals of Lord Shri Ram and Mahatma
Gandhi which are resisting injustice, developing a spirit of service,
selflessness and sacrifice. There is a quote “action speaks louder than
words”. Mr. Vaibhav Upadhyay’s action in Covid 19 and all the other
areas of life proves that he is not merely a man of words but a man
of action.

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