Director Sachin Suresh Dhotre started his film career at the age of 22. Sachin Suresh Dhotre decided to make the movie Parakia in the year 2017. But due to the poverty of the family, the money was not enough. But he was also interested in electrical field from the beginning. From the beginning he tried to find a way to earn money as soon as possible due to the poverty of the family and the absence of his father, and his efforts were successful. He learned electrical wiring work and started working at the age of 18. There was success in that, business started growing, money started coming in, situation improved. But Sachin Dhotre was constantly bothered by a question that what he had decided to do aside, he was changing the track and going somewhere else. Then at the age of 22, after making a firm decision, he started making his first film.

But he had the vision to make movies but no experience. However, they did not stop trying. Besides, it costs a lot of money. But he did not give up his courage. Finally, after a lot of difficulties, he released the movie Parkiya on 14th June 2019 on 150 screens. But there was a huge failure in that movie and the mountain of debt increased. And they had to sell their house. But they did not lose heart. And again he started Get to Gather and got the support of Sameer Gonjari, Praveen Kuchekar, Ashish Dhotre and the film was completed. And people are liking the teaser of the movie today . The movie is get together …