Tridha Arora
Parenting can be incredibly hard, so hard that sometimes we just accept this as truth.
But it isn’t. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Discover why it feels so hard and how to make it easy and stress-free.
Today we are in Conversation with Tridha Arora who is a renowned Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist, Counselor, Image Consultant and a Life Coach.
She has been helping clients worldwide to live a better and meaningful life.
Q1 – Who is a Parenting Expert and how this helps?
Parenting Experts helps parents clarify how they want their relationships with their children to be, and offers them tools to create a deeper and more fulfilling connection for their family.
Rather than simply telling you what to do – without any of the why behind it – your parenting expert will help you understand child development and the latest science to strengthen your abilities and confidence within your own family.
Being a parent is about making choices and many of us can doubt the decisions we make – what if they are wrong? How do you cope with the fear that you haven’t done something the right way? Your parenting Expert will work with you to identify what you want to achieve from your sessions. They will listen to you and support you, offering guidance to help you reach your goals and overcome any obstacles that may be in your way.
Q2- How to be a better Parent?
I always say there is no term as ‘Perfect Parent’ but yes definitely you can be an ‘Understanding Parent’ and believe me that would also be enough.
I would mention 5 key points which will definitely help in Parenting.
- Listen-
One of the most important things you can do for you child is to listen to them. Being present can make all the difference, i.e. children need to feel seen and heard, and being that sounding board is key. Plus, when you listen to your child you actually help build their independence, confidence, and self-esteem.
2.Show Your Kids You Love Them-
We can all get so busy, it’s easy to forget to take the time to show our kids how we feel about them. Small gestures, like writing a note for their lunchbox or sharing things about yourself with them can strengthen your connection and show your child how much you love them every day.
3.Teach Your Child to Be a Good Person-
Teach kids to be kind, respectful toward others, be charitable, grateful for what they have, and have empathy for others. Of course, we all want our kids to strive to get good grades, win awards and accolades for music, sports, and other activities, and be successful later in life. However, who they are as a person is more important than which awards they get.
- Remember That They Are Watching-
Got a piece of juicy gossip you’re dying to share? Want to tell off a neighbor who did something rude or yell at a driver who cut you off? While we can’t always be perfect, good parents know that kids are always learning from the examples we set. If we want our children to be kind, empathetic, and well-mannered as they grow up, we must try to be on our own best behavior and be respectful of others. - Apologize for Your Mistakes-
You probably teach your kids to own up to things they did wrong by apologizing and trying to make up for what they did. This is just as, if not more, important for parents to do themselves.
Q3. You have such an interesting background like Tarot then what made you called to Parenting Coaching and Life Coaching?
Finally after my MBA I got to a point in my life where I began to pursue purpose instead of money. I had to ask myself a few questions: What am I passionate about? How can I contribute to the world. And i have no shame in admitting I’m most passionate about being a mother; and I know how important it is for kids to have healthy parents. So many people are struggling in their co-parenting relationships. I want to help people alleviate some of the pain that comes with those situations.So , whether it’s Tarot, Parenting Expert or Life Coaching the main purpose is being a guidance to people and evolving them for betterment.
Q4. According to you, what changes our Indian society needs to adapt to become better parents?
Parenting is most researched topic in Social Science and according to recent research a student commits suicide in India every hour due to parent’s pressure.
No! I am not blaming any Parent for messed up life of their child but certainly if they become a mindful parent many lives can be saved.
It’s high time to think about ‘License for driving a Vehicle in India but Why not for being a Parent’?
I believe there shall be an eligibility criteria for every couple by the government to test whether they are qualified enough to raise a child.
Secondly, many Counsellors always talk about importance of mental health education in school but I believe with mental health education, schools shall conduct workshops for parenting which shall be compulsory for all parents to attend.
Good mental health of child without Good parenting is a waste.
Imagine a child coming home from school all geared up and excited for a better future after attending mental health workshop and as soon as he/she enters home watches parents fighting or abusing each other.
It’s all in vain!