Shubham Tiwari is 23 years old . He was born in Varanasi , Uttarpradesh. His schooling was
done by CHS (BHU ) . After that he enrolled himself for his bachelor’s to MGKVP University
from where one of India’s Prime minister Shastri ji has also completed his graduation so he
feels so proud that he has been a part of BHU and MGKVP , now he is planning to pursue
his master’s now .
A part of that he has completed his English speaking course form USA (NGO) FEA as well
as nudge foundation too which is based on bangalore . His aim is to become a good actor in
his life .
He has completed his theatre course as well as he has done many plays with NSD groups
and working in a feature film.
His main hobbies are accumulating more knowledge, such as swimming , sketching .
and he has life time membership in this council .
He learned one lesson from life: whatever you wanna do in your life , you have to be by
yourself , nobody is going to help you , so get ready and figure out yourself to fight with each
and every situation of your life . Be positive and keep smiling .
Currently he is working as a mentor in an English speaking company .
He achieves many certificates from SECURITY EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIAN (SEBI ) ,
Abp group ,Nehru Yuva Kendra .
He was also a part of a cyber awareness quiz organised by the Ministry of home affairs.
He participated in digital jyot as pledger .
Our team felt happy to know about Shubham’s life .