DAV RATH FLIMS is a Mumbai Base Flim Production House mainly Known for the YouTube channel called DAV RATH FLIM
DAV RATH FLIMS is to entertain the public worldwide by their comedy content the first series of DAV RATH FLIMS is THE KAPIL VERMA SHOW debut on 09/01/2023. The mission of DAV RATH FLIMS is to make most viewed entertaining videos.
THE KAPIL VERMA SHOW is a talk show starring Kunal Seth as a Farooq Khan , Shruti michael as lipika as Padukone, Nandkishore chikhale as baccha Yadav, Aniket as Sapna Namrata Sumiraj as Sarchna purn sing. The promotion of the film Pathan our episode 1 of the show is open with a interview of Farooq Khan and lipika Padukon related to the beshram rang song controversy.
Popular celebrities duplicate who have appeared on the show for a comedy interview the series is produced by DAV RATH FLIMS Founder:-Mr Deepak Khanna. Content is written by Nandkishor chikhale and directed by Harry narwariyaa (Harish).
THE KAPIL VERMA SHOW streaming every Friday on YouTube channel DAV RATH FLIMS.
There are many more entertaining series like Baba Ji ka Thullu , KuttaGiri and much more are upcoming.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/SvVZV6mFQtA