Sayed jilani was born on 28 october 1993 at visakhapatanam district of andhra pradesh. He belongs to a middle class family, his father is a mechanical foreman, his mother is a house wife and his 2 younger sisters 1 who got married and another younger sister is engaged in studies.
Sayed jilani started his carrier as a qa/qc engineer but due to some issue he could not work. He wanted to start an it tech company. He later took an intrest in coding and designing and worked as a web designer. He started gaining popularity after doing his 10 best websites. He learned all the skills by watching youtube videos. He thanks youtube as it helped him a lot and till now it is helping sayed jilani.
Sayed jilani is a huge fan of ratan tata sir, sonu sood, Salman Khan, vijay devarkonda and mahesh babu because they are of great people to help others and donated from their heart and do not boast unnecessarily on their success
Sayed jilani keeps on learning every coding to know what he can learn from it and takes something new out of it. He likes to travel different cities, interact with people and understand what they are looking for. Sayed jilani is working on web development app development logo designing and digital marketing. Sayed is making a difference in coding by using his unmatched skills. He started a software company named it as cooastal software solutions. And seeing his growing curiosity, it seems that he is going to surprise you by doing something big soon.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/sayed_jilani28?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=